The Pale Blue Eye Review

The Pale Blue Eyes directed by Scott Cooper is a dreary bore, that does not muster any sort of intrigue and left me feeling like I wasted 2 hours of my life.

A murder mystery that lacks a tense atmosphere or any kind of interest as it slumbers around characters that have no emotions that I can connect with.

Christian Bale’s Augustus Landor has a backstory that is depressing with no hope of a light at the end of the tunnel.

I don’t route for him because I have no reason to care for him.

This movie lacks any kind of heart, and I understand that this is meant to be a heavy story but that does not mean there should be characters as bland and uninteresting as Augustus Landor.

Sure Harry Melling who plays Allen Poe was a slight positive but it could not cover up the flavourless backdrop or style.

Moody colours, moody setting, and a moody story which left me just depressed watching this.

It’s directed fine and the acting is fine.

A lacklustre film that can easily be skipped. The Pale Blue Eye gets a 6.7 out of 10.


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