Film Analysis Film Is Just Moving Pictures Film Analysis Film Is Just Moving Pictures

Why THE BATMAN Feels Soulless

Already one of 2022’s biggest films, The Batman for many has toppled The Dark Knight and others to be crowned the best comic book movie of all time and to some, this film has become their overall greatest film of all time.

And there is some merit for why people would consider those two options because even though I have a couple problems with this film, what Matt Reeves and his creative team did on this movie is a technical masterpiece.

Directing, cinematography, and score. This movie is made by people at the highest level in their craft.

And when I first watched The Batman, I did enjoy the movie. I liked the casting of Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano and so many more.

But if there is no one then there comes a point in this 2 hour 50 minute movie, where I ask the question, why should I continue to care?

And that was the problem I had with the story of The Batman. Why should I care for any of the characters if there aren't any emotions I can attach myself to?

This was a question that was on my mind after the first time I watched The Batman.

Then I watched it a second time. About a week later.

And I figured out why this movie felt so cold and detached from the audience and essentially soulless.

The reason is the character of the Riddler.

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