Film Analysis, Character Analysis Film Is Just Moving Pictures Film Analysis, Character Analysis Film Is Just Moving Pictures

Understanding Happy Together (1997) | Are You Toxic?

Are you toxic?

Happy Together is another continuation of Wong Kar Wai’s fascination with the many types and experiences of love.

And in this film he follows the theme of toxic love. When two people who are always arguing and getting into fights fall in love because of those destructive moments.

We follow Fai and Ho as they both become accustomed to their temporary lives in Argentina.

But as is normal for them, after being together for a period of time, Ho asks Fai to go their separate ways and take a break in their relationship.

Something they do quite a bit.

As they both go their separate ways Fai takes different jobs to save up so that he can go back to Hong Kong whilst Ho goes around with other men getting drunk and having sex.

But after one night when he gets into a fight, Fai takes Ho back to his apartment so that he can rest and recover from his injuries.

And once again their love for each other quickly rekindles but as the fiery passion of love shines bright, it also burns out as fast and again they begin to argue.

Leaving them both going their separate ways at the end.

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