The Whale Review
Darren Aranofsky’s The Whale was a highly anticipated movie for me. After months and months of Brendan Fraser winning awards, I was really excited to see this film.
And it’s tiny, ironically. Not in a bad way but well needed. For such a subject about mental health, weight issues, love, and grief, a movie like this and a director like Darren Aranofksy you might expect a more darker and sombre film.
But there is a light in the movie and it is what everyone says, Bendan Fraser.
A performance that will define his career and a character that does not force sympathy but understanding. A character that does not need me to feel sorry for him but to listen.
He is trying to rectify his wrong and become a father that never got to be because of his own decisions. A decision to love.
A film that will pull on the heart strings but one that tries to understand the feeling of not just being obese but alone and afraid of the end.
The Whale deserves a 7.4 out of 10